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Patient Disclaimer / 患者免责声明 / Penafian Pesakit


I hereby acknowledge that I have been recently prescribed Kisqali as part of my medical treatment regimen.

我特此承认,我最近服用了 Kisqali 作为我的治疗方案的一部分。

Saya dengan ini mengakui bahawa saya baru-baru ini telah diberi Kisqali sebagai sebahagian daripada rejimen rawatan perubatan saya.



1. Neven P, Fasching PA, Chia S, et al. Updated overall survival from the MONALEESA-3 trial in postmenopausal women with HR+/HER2− advanced breast cancer receiving first-line ribociclib plus fulvestrant. Breast Cancer Res. 2023 Aug 31;25(1):103.
2. Hortobagyi GN, Stemmer SM, Burris HA, et al. Overall survival with ribociclib plus letrozole in advanced breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 2022;386(10):942-950.
3. Lu YS, Im SA, Colleoni M, et al. Updated overall survival of ribociclib plus endocrine therapy versus endocrine therapy alone in pre- and perimenopausal patients withHR+/HER2− advanced breast cancer in MONALEESA-7: a phase III randomized clinical trial. Clin Cancer Res. 2022;28(5):851-859.
